----- RELEASE NOTE --------------------------------------------------- Release Date : 11/08/2006 Driver Name : Alps Touch Pad Driver Version : 7.0.1404 with Installer OS : Windows Vista (BLD#5744 32-bit) Lang. : Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean Platform: FIC/XTB70-71 (4sw --> Emulated 2sw) [NOTE] This driver was made based on "v5.5.1404" driver. ----- USAGE ---------------------------------------------------------- == Silent Install == DPInst.exe /q /f /se [NOTE] Driver installation in silent mode will be failed if the driver have not Logo. ----- COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------- < Known Issues > < Updated from Previous Release > v7.0.1404.4 (11/08/2006) Beta-2 version [--] Fixed the issue that LED does not turn on after resume from sleep when user does logon automatically to the desktop by selecting the "Don't require a password" radio-button from the [Control Panel] -[Power Options]. v7.0.1404.3 (11/06/2006) Beta version [--] Fixed the following issue. a) Touch Pad does not turn to enable at the "User Selection" screen after resume or FUS, when "Use Touch Pad and PS/2 mouse" checkbox is cleared. b) LED does not turn off at the "User Selection" screen after resume or FUS, when "Use Touch Pad and PS/2 moused" check- box is cleared. [--] Fixed the issue that "Tapping and moving of pointer off when typing" is no functon. v7.0.1404.2 (10/30/2006) Alpha Version [--] Added LED control: Disable touch pad -> LED on -> out 14C4h 05h Enable touch pad -> LED off -> out 14C4h 04h [--] We supported localizing EULA (End User License Agreement) to the DpInst supporting languages. [--] Changed the default setting of the following data to as driver of Version 5.5.1404.8 for WinXP. v7.0.1404.1 (09/21/2006) Beta Version [--] Supported the Windows Vista (BLD#5600 32-bit) [--] Chagned the installation utility to the "DPInst.exe". [--] Changed the Help file to the Html help style. < Not Implemented > < Legend > [--] Windows Vista ----- FILE INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- Sorted by name =============================================================== DATE TIME SIZE NAME =============================================================== 2006/11/07 21:46 14,986 Apfiltr.inf 2006/10/30 15:35 140,800 Apfiltr.sys 2006/09/19 23:55 45,056 ApInst.dll 2006/09/08 14:54 42,544 ApMsgFwd.exe 2006/09/08 15:06 40,960 ApntEx.exe 2006/11/02 22:07 806,912 Apoint.dll 2006/11/07 20:57 159,744 Apoint.exe 2006/09/01 17:34 32,581 ApointCS.chm 2006/09/01 17:37 31,995 ApointCT.chm 2006/09/01 21:19 34,577 ApointFR.chm 2006/09/01 17:44 34,893 ApointGR.chm 2006/09/01 17:51 33,659 ApointIT.chm 2006/08/28 12:47 29,523 ApointJP.chm 2006/09/01 17:53 33,119 ApointKR.chm 2006/09/01 18:03 33,385 ApointSP.chm 2006/08/28 13:31 29,723 ApointUS.chm 2005/11/17 15:46 2,916,264 DPInst.exe 2006/09/20 14:22 8,017 dpinst.xml 2006/04/27 10:24 102,400 ELProp.dll 2006/08/07 17:47 69,632 EzAuto.dll 2006/09/24 17:30 167,936 Ezcapt.exe 2006/09/26 17:48 208,896 EzLaunch.dll 2003/01/23 22:29 15,122 gesture.bmp 1997/08/27 10:23 2,694 LOGO.BMP 2006/08/02 13:37 2,692 Readme_E.txt 2006/08/02 13:44 3,000 Readme_J.txt 2006/10/18 12:55 167,936 Uninstap.exe 2006/10/18 20:30 100,354 Vxdif.dll 2006/04/20 01:18 1,418,720 WdfCoInstaller01001.dll Eula 2006/09/21 14:46 5,670 Eula_AR.txt 2006/09/13 10:25 3,790 Eula_BP.txt 2006/09/13 18:07 3,193 Eula_CS.txt 2006/09/13 17:29 3,291 Eula_CT.txt 2006/09/13 18:50 3,985 Eula_CZ.txt 2006/09/13 17:07 3,700 Eula_DK.txt 2006/09/12 13:49 4,214 Eula_FI.txt 2006/09/13 09:01 4,149 Eula_FR.txt 2006/09/13 09:31 7,116 Eula_GK.txt 2006/09/13 08:31 3,876 Eula_GR.txt 2006/09/10 16:36 4,380 Eula_HU.txt 2006/09/13 14:27 6,001 Eula_IL.txt 2006/09/13 08:29 3,755 Eula_IT.txt 2006/08/09 15:47 4,801 Eula_JP.txt 2006/09/13 15:25 4,358 Eula_KR.txt 2006/09/12 13:05 4,098 Eula_LA.txt 2006/09/13 08:26 4,470 Eula_NL.txt 2006/09/13 12:09 3,765 Eula_NO.txt 2006/09/13 18:52 4,403 Eula_PL.txt 2006/09/21 14:46 4,083 Eula_PO.txt 2006/09/13 18:53 7,957 Eula_RU.txt 2006/09/13 16:26 3,628 Eula_SE.txt 2006/09/13 18:55 4,406 Eula_SK.txt 2006/09/13 15:12 3,950 Eula_SL.txt 2006/09/12 13:09 3,904 Eula_SP.txt 2006/09/19 20:04 10,175 Eula_TH.txt 2006/09/13 15:53 4,312 Eula_TR.txt 2006/08/17 16:46 3,516 Eula_US.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.